Puppetry has been a part of my life almost as much as music. I'd say it's the silent constant in the background. There's something about this particular art form that I like. It could be because it allows the audience to use their imagination more. Also, puppets are physical objects, so they're tangible, almost human when so much has gone digital. Growing up, I was a huge Jim Henson fan. I wanted to provide the beautiful mystery of another universe to others, just as I felt he was able to do. At 19, I traveled to New York City to intern one summer with Henson Productions. It was a lot to take in.
1995 Flutter sitting in a Skeksis chair from “The Dark Crystal”
As I'd go through college and then afterward, puppetry would trickle in and out of my projects. It wasn't until 2008 when I was finally able to dedicate myself full-time to puppets by producing a children's video program that featured hand & rod puppets. When I received a letter from a child stating that she felt like she was there with the characters of my show "Mr. Furry Fur Fur and His Friendly Earth Friends," I felt like my job was done. But there was more to do. My art continually compels me to create magical spaces for both the young and old.
2020 Flutter working on the sequel to “She-Wolf" - testing grass animation of shadow puppets
Last month I completed and screened a shadow puppet short titled, "She-Wolf." (You can watch it on Vimeo here if you're an email subscriber and have the password.) It took about two months to complete due to other work, and I cut everything out by hand. Doing so wasn't great for my arthritis, but it was excellent for my mind, very relaxing. Now I'm working on the sequel with the help of a laser cutter. But I'll still cut some pieces by hand since it's so fun. To keep my motivation, I started a Ko-fi page here. Maybe you'll want to buy me a coffee to help keep me going?
And the forest friends have made a comeback through "Fuzzy Signals" - a video program where Pete the possum can shine. He's going to hang out with Z in his basement electronics lab and talk about different projects. Mostly it's an opportunity for me to have fun puppeteering again around a topic that I love - music and artistic experimentation. Maybe you'll see Pete on a MOTR adventure too. I certainly hope so but am taking this one day at a time.